The question we are getting asked these days is “How is Plumas Arts Doing?”
The short answer…
“We’re okay for now, staying afloat, but are concerned about the years ahead.”
The longer answer…
We are concerned… Not just for the lost revenue, but also not being able to do what we do to bring the community together by hosting events and movies and helping to get dollars into the pockets of local artists.
For our just completed last 2019-20 fiscal year we lost one quarter of our annual earned income: one major fundraiser (Taste of Plumas), a half dozen events, ten weeks of movies, months of no openings or Words & Music and the gallery was closed for two months.
In the coming fiscal year we have a few grants to help with operating support, but will see the loss of just about all of our movies and revenue-generating events (Almanor Art Show and Fall Harvest Beer Fest- we have hopes for a 2021 Taste of Plumas, but even that is questionable). Much of how we fare in the coming year will depend on tightening our belts and the generosity of our supporters.
The short answer…
“We’re okay for now, staying afloat, but are concerned about the years ahead.”
The longer answer…
We are concerned… Not just for the lost revenue, but also not being able to do what we do to bring the community together by hosting events and movies and helping to get dollars into the pockets of local artists.
For our just completed last 2019-20 fiscal year we lost one quarter of our annual earned income: one major fundraiser (Taste of Plumas), a half dozen events, ten weeks of movies, months of no openings or Words & Music and the gallery was closed for two months.
In the coming fiscal year we have a few grants to help with operating support, but will see the loss of just about all of our movies and revenue-generating events (Almanor Art Show and Fall Harvest Beer Fest- we have hopes for a 2021 Taste of Plumas, but even that is questionable). Much of how we fare in the coming year will depend on tightening our belts and the generosity of our supporters.