
Hello folks! My name is Zach Revene, and I'm a person with stories to tell. Just like you. Most importantly, I'm here with a curiosity to listen and learn.
A Virginia native, and rather recent transplant, I have come to know and love this part of the world we live in. Namely, Plumas County, California.
By day, I work (Plumas County Public Health Agency). At all other times, I scan the airwaves for something interesting to hear. We're all on this landscape together, and I want to hear more.
Zach Revene will be hosting audio-recording workshops for the People of Plumas project. He is an avid podcast listener, and continues to be inspired by the power of storytelling and how it connects us to each other. He firmly believes that we all have a story to tell, and looks forward to learning more about the folks here in Plumas County through their own voices.